When you think about camping eats, many people think 'camp fire foods' and hamburgers and hotdogs! However, when you LIVE in an RV, it just like eating at home! While we do eat those dishes, we have regular dinners on most days.
One of the driving factors on making our budget work is the plan to have 'normal' meals and not eating out (that much). With this, Bettina does a great job of planning out our meals to ensure our dollars are extended as far as they can go! However, this does NOT mean we skimp on our food choices. In fact, we eat really good and with all of the amenities inside the RV, she can (and has) cooked just about everything!
Now it must be known, I like food!!! So, it is important we have a good selection.
Tonight's dinner was...biscuits&gravy (a family fav)!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Tuesday's Travel Take
“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” Samuel Jackson
Monday, January 27, 2014
Let the preparations begin -- boondocking shower head
This coming spring we are headed for our first (of many) long term trips which will include several days of boondocking (no hookups or better known as dry camping). So we are making preparations to help make this type of camping a little easier on us.
Today was the first project to help with our boondocking experiences -- the installation of a new Oxygenics shower head.
You may ask yourself how will a new shower head help with boondocking and that would be a good question.
You see, the old shower head was a very inefficient type which would use more water during our dry camping. And water is a vitally important commodity when you aren't hooked up to utilities! So we need to save as much water as we can thru...conservation, conservation, conservation!
The Oxygenics shower head has a "...patented Oxygenics Engine that supercharges any water pressure, turning weak little flows into satisfying showers..."
One of the best parts of this whole idea of boondocking is that Bettina gets to experience the life of a combat soldier by experiencing "combat showers"!
Since taking to the RV living, she has gotten to see just a glimpse of my deployment life.
The first time was when she had to trek 1/4 mile in the cold, misting rain to go to the bathhouse (better known as a Cadillac when deployed). Then there was the cooking on the outdoor stove (better known as a field kitchen)! Now she'll get to have a combat shower!!!!
Welcome to my world and I'm so glad you get to experience life the way our Soldier, Airmen and Marines serve every day on Afghanistan.
For those who don't know what a combat shower is, let me explain. The steps are:
1) turn the water ON to get wet
2) turn the water OFF
3) lather up and wash the body&hair
4) turn the water ON and rinse, quickly
5) turn the water OFF...you're DONE!
Note: This whole process should take no more than 5 minutes and use about a gallon of water.
To help save water, go check out an Oxygenics shower head at:
Oxygenics.com Facebook.com/Oxygenics or twitter.com/Oxygenics
Today was the first project to help with our boondocking experiences -- the installation of a new Oxygenics shower head.
You may ask yourself how will a new shower head help with boondocking and that would be a good question.
You see, the old shower head was a very inefficient type which would use more water during our dry camping. And water is a vitally important commodity when you aren't hooked up to utilities! So we need to save as much water as we can thru...conservation, conservation, conservation!
One of the best parts of this whole idea of boondocking is that Bettina gets to experience the life of a combat soldier by experiencing "combat showers"!
Since taking to the RV living, she has gotten to see just a glimpse of my deployment life.
The first time was when she had to trek 1/4 mile in the cold, misting rain to go to the bathhouse (better known as a Cadillac when deployed). Then there was the cooking on the outdoor stove (better known as a field kitchen)! Now she'll get to have a combat shower!!!!
Welcome to my world and I'm so glad you get to experience life the way our Soldier, Airmen and Marines serve every day on Afghanistan.
For those who don't know what a combat shower is, let me explain. The steps are:
1) turn the water ON to get wet
2) turn the water OFF
3) lather up and wash the body&hair
4) turn the water ON and rinse, quickly
5) turn the water OFF...you're DONE!
Note: This whole process should take no more than 5 minutes and use about a gallon of water.
To help save water, go check out an Oxygenics shower head at:
Oxygenics.com Facebook.com/Oxygenics or twitter.com/Oxygenics
Saturday, January 25, 2014
RVing Ettiquette - Lessons Learned the 1st Year
When we first joined the RV lifestyle, we did A LOT of research (but could have done even more). One thing we were concerned about was how to be good campers, neighbors and guests while on the road. While I know we're not perfect, we try to be very considerate of our fellow campers. In fact, if I forget or don't measure up, my wife is happy to remind me to be considerate.
After our 1st year in the RV, we have revised the original list we found to be very helpful and created one of our own!
1. Stay out of other people's camping sites. Too many campers "cut thru" other camp sites which is very inconsiderate. So, if there isn't a designated trail or sidewalk, find another route! Keep to the authorized trails and roadways since I'm sure you don't want us walking through your camp.
2. Not everyone loves your pet(s)! Some of us don't like them and others are very allergic to pets. Keep this in mind when you take them on a walk...not everyone wants to pet your dog. If they aren't allowed in the campground buildings, then keep them away from the entrances as well. Also, when you do take them out "to do their business" take them some place where others don't walk! Having your dog $#!+ outside our RV, even when you do clean it up, isn't something I like stepping in or around when walking around my campsite.
3. Be friendly and say HI to those you don't know. Dealing with cliques is really unappealing to new RVers. We have seen camper get togethers with some long timers but never really been asked to join in. While we know many of these campers have been snowbirding here for many years, it would be nice to be included. Just remember, you were a new RVer once...so show some friendliness!
4. Don't wash/dry your animal items (bedding, clothes, etc.) in the normal laundry machines. Just think about the people who follow you. That pet hair goes EVERYWHERE and gets on EVERYTHING! We don't have a pet and don't want to take your pet hair back to out home! If the park doesn't offer a special laundry machine for pets, then take it to a local laundry mat...be considerate of those non-pet owners!
5. Cleanup after yourself. If your campsite looks like your RV just exploded, then Clean It Up! Campers don't like staying next to other campers who have their crap everywhere. So take some time and tidy up! This is our home (for now).
6. Noise travels throughout the campground so keep it quiet, even when it's not quiet hours! We can't tell you the number of times someone SLAMMED their RV door and woke us up! If you have to slam your door to get it to close, take it to the RV store for some adjustments! At 0600 when you take "Fido" for a walk, close the door "softly", some of us are still sleeping. Also, keep the dog from barking in the wee hours of the morning or late at night. If that means putting a muzzle on them, then so be it! We are living in close quarters, so spend a little extra effort trying to be little more quiet. Your neighbors WILL appreciate the effort.
7. Give some distance if you smoke. I'm not a smoker and never have been, so I may be a little sensitive! If you smoke, please don't do it around the campground facilities. Whether you know it or not smoke carries a long way. Also, smoking in the the bathhouse (or even as you are going in/out) is very offensive! I got it, you have an addiction you haven't taken control of, but keep it out if our breathing air space! We want to enjoy a long retirement life...healthy!
8. Think about where you build a fire pit! While it may be away from your RV, putting it right next to ours is not a good decision! At one park, the camper next to us put his fire put about 2 feet from our RV and parked Toad. Really!!!! Give some space when setting up your camp and don't infringe on your fellow campers! While my RV is not one of those $500k coaches, it is mine and paid for. We'd like to use this RV for many years to come...so don't burn it down (or scorch the paint/gel coat).
9. Park your Toad so it doesn't impede traffic. You would think that people who drive 40+ feet RVs could park a car...not so much. When it comes to parking their Toad...they are all over the place from half way in the road to parking in the grass to angled in every other sort of way! Remember, you spent something like a half hour parking that rig...so take a few minutes (or even a few seconds) when you park that car!
10. Slow DOWN when driving through the campground! It seems like many RVers are in such a hurry as they come and go from the park. I thought this lifestyle was supposed to more relaxed? Remember that there are many people walking around the park who don't want to get run over as you drive at breakneck speeds. Also, if you are staying in an unpaved park, driving fast kicks up a lot of dirt and dust...something we always battle in the RV! So be considerate when driving through the park and slow down!
After our 1st year in the RV, we have revised the original list we found to be very helpful and created one of our own!
1. Stay out of other people's camping sites. Too many campers "cut thru" other camp sites which is very inconsiderate. So, if there isn't a designated trail or sidewalk, find another route! Keep to the authorized trails and roadways since I'm sure you don't want us walking through your camp.
2. Not everyone loves your pet(s)! Some of us don't like them and others are very allergic to pets. Keep this in mind when you take them on a walk...not everyone wants to pet your dog. If they aren't allowed in the campground buildings, then keep them away from the entrances as well. Also, when you do take them out "to do their business" take them some place where others don't walk! Having your dog $#!+ outside our RV, even when you do clean it up, isn't something I like stepping in or around when walking around my campsite.
3. Be friendly and say HI to those you don't know. Dealing with cliques is really unappealing to new RVers. We have seen camper get togethers with some long timers but never really been asked to join in. While we know many of these campers have been snowbirding here for many years, it would be nice to be included. Just remember, you were a new RVer once...so show some friendliness!
4. Don't wash/dry your animal items (bedding, clothes, etc.) in the normal laundry machines. Just think about the people who follow you. That pet hair goes EVERYWHERE and gets on EVERYTHING! We don't have a pet and don't want to take your pet hair back to out home! If the park doesn't offer a special laundry machine for pets, then take it to a local laundry mat...be considerate of those non-pet owners!
5. Cleanup after yourself. If your campsite looks like your RV just exploded, then Clean It Up! Campers don't like staying next to other campers who have their crap everywhere. So take some time and tidy up! This is our home (for now).
6. Noise travels throughout the campground so keep it quiet, even when it's not quiet hours! We can't tell you the number of times someone SLAMMED their RV door and woke us up! If you have to slam your door to get it to close, take it to the RV store for some adjustments! At 0600 when you take "Fido" for a walk, close the door "softly", some of us are still sleeping. Also, keep the dog from barking in the wee hours of the morning or late at night. If that means putting a muzzle on them, then so be it! We are living in close quarters, so spend a little extra effort trying to be little more quiet. Your neighbors WILL appreciate the effort.
7. Give some distance if you smoke. I'm not a smoker and never have been, so I may be a little sensitive! If you smoke, please don't do it around the campground facilities. Whether you know it or not smoke carries a long way. Also, smoking in the the bathhouse (or even as you are going in/out) is very offensive! I got it, you have an addiction you haven't taken control of, but keep it out if our breathing air space! We want to enjoy a long retirement life...healthy!
8. Think about where you build a fire pit! While it may be away from your RV, putting it right next to ours is not a good decision! At one park, the camper next to us put his fire put about 2 feet from our RV and parked Toad. Really!!!! Give some space when setting up your camp and don't infringe on your fellow campers! While my RV is not one of those $500k coaches, it is mine and paid for. We'd like to use this RV for many years to come...so don't burn it down (or scorch the paint/gel coat).
9. Park your Toad so it doesn't impede traffic. You would think that people who drive 40+ feet RVs could park a car...not so much. When it comes to parking their Toad...they are all over the place from half way in the road to parking in the grass to angled in every other sort of way! Remember, you spent something like a half hour parking that rig...so take a few minutes (or even a few seconds) when you park that car!
10. Slow DOWN when driving through the campground! It seems like many RVers are in such a hurry as they come and go from the park. I thought this lifestyle was supposed to more relaxed? Remember that there are many people walking around the park who don't want to get run over as you drive at breakneck speeds. Also, if you are staying in an unpaved park, driving fast kicks up a lot of dirt and dust...something we always battle in the RV! So be considerate when driving through the park and slow down!
Friday, January 24, 2014
Fabulous Friday Foto -- G-town
We all like a little pleasure every once in a while and why not experience it at Galveston Island Pleasure Pier or the Seawall?
When we used to make the trip to Galveston Island when we lived in Northwest Louisiana, many people couldn't understand why we would go there!!
If you are looking for the beach lifestyle at a low cost, Galveston Island could be your best choice. While many in Texas head much further south to South Padre Island, it's too far away (and a long drive across King Ranch Texas) to make it on a short weekend.
Galveston Island had a lot to offer -- the beach going, ship watching, dolphin watching, and people watching.
The beaches along the Seawall are...nice. From one end to the other, there are many places to park and layout to enjoy some rays.
If you like ships, check out the point (located at the Far East end of Seawall Blvd). There's a little "park" with a historical marker...but it is a little trashy. Nice place to watch the ships come and go from Galveston Bay but not a place to just hang out.
If you are looking for a free, yes I said FREE, dolphins watching tour, head to the Ferry Rd (again it's at the east end of Seawall Blvd) and PARK you car. You can ride the ferry over to Ft Bolivar and back for FREE! Get up top to see all of the dolphins you care to watch. Great free fun!
Finally, people watching in Gtown is Fun :). Take in the Seawall at night to get a eye full of the tourist. I'd even recommend renting a 4 person pedal car...this way you can peddle the entire Seawall in a short timeframe without being worn out (since you have 4 people peddling).
Gtown is worth the short drive from East and Central Texas as well as Louisiana. Check it out!
When we used to make the trip to Galveston Island when we lived in Northwest Louisiana, many people couldn't understand why we would go there!!
If you are looking for the beach lifestyle at a low cost, Galveston Island could be your best choice. While many in Texas head much further south to South Padre Island, it's too far away (and a long drive across King Ranch Texas) to make it on a short weekend.
Galveston Island had a lot to offer -- the beach going, ship watching, dolphin watching, and people watching.
The beaches along the Seawall are...nice. From one end to the other, there are many places to park and layout to enjoy some rays.
If you like ships, check out the point (located at the Far East end of Seawall Blvd). There's a little "park" with a historical marker...but it is a little trashy. Nice place to watch the ships come and go from Galveston Bay but not a place to just hang out.
If you are looking for a free, yes I said FREE, dolphins watching tour, head to the Ferry Rd (again it's at the east end of Seawall Blvd) and PARK you car. You can ride the ferry over to Ft Bolivar and back for FREE! Get up top to see all of the dolphins you care to watch. Great free fun!
Finally, people watching in Gtown is Fun :). Take in the Seawall at night to get a eye full of the tourist. I'd even recommend renting a 4 person pedal car...this way you can peddle the entire Seawall in a short timeframe without being worn out (since you have 4 people peddling).
Gtown is worth the short drive from East and Central Texas as well as Louisiana. Check it out!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Shine on me
This weekend at the RV SuperShow, we stopped at a lot of booths selling their wares! While I was a little disappointed on the booths (do these people/companies not think about their presentation skills beforehand?).
While they all had their niche, they didn't seem to have the "issues all RVers face" at the forefront of their minds. As I read the RV Forums, there are several standing themes that RVers have concerns with. For example, wifi in the RV Parks, more than 4 seminars, backup cameras, or catering to those looking to buy a new RV!
It would have been nice for one of those cell phone companies to offer "unlimited data plans" for RVers at a reasonable price!
How about a wireless backup camera system that's range is Longer than 15 feet! My RV is 31 feet and I'm on the small size nowadays!
Also, you might want to train your RV sells staff! We watched a "punk" show a couple a few Itasca RVs. He was condescending and RUDE! Also, as they walked into the RVs, his comments were inappropriate. Do you think I (or ALL of the other potential customers watching this) would even consider buying from this company? I think NOT! Remember, when you're spending $100k, you can be "particular" in what you want.
We did find a good product for making the RV shine! The booth even gave me a sample to try it out and while it didn't remove the discoloration on the RV, it DID make the gel-coat shine! I think I'll be ordering some product.
Check out First Finish Product at:
While they all had their niche, they didn't seem to have the "issues all RVers face" at the forefront of their minds. As I read the RV Forums, there are several standing themes that RVers have concerns with. For example, wifi in the RV Parks, more than 4 seminars, backup cameras, or catering to those looking to buy a new RV!
It would have been nice for one of those cell phone companies to offer "unlimited data plans" for RVers at a reasonable price!
How about a wireless backup camera system that's range is Longer than 15 feet! My RV is 31 feet and I'm on the small size nowadays!
Also, you might want to train your RV sells staff! We watched a "punk" show a couple a few Itasca RVs. He was condescending and RUDE! Also, as they walked into the RVs, his comments were inappropriate. Do you think I (or ALL of the other potential customers watching this) would even consider buying from this company? I think NOT! Remember, when you're spending $100k, you can be "particular" in what you want.
We did find a good product for making the RV shine! The booth even gave me a sample to try it out and while it didn't remove the discoloration on the RV, it DID make the gel-coat shine! I think I'll be ordering some product.
Check out First Finish Product at:
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Tuesday's Travel Take
“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.” Robert Louis Stevenson
Friday, January 17, 2014
Fabulous Friday Foto - Tampa Bay
This weekend we find ourselves in Tampa Bay (home of the Buccaneers)! While this weekend we find ourselves going to the Tampa Bay RV SuperShow, there are always a myriad of things to do in the big metropolis.
Just check out the photo above of the Tampa Bay skylights on the Bay…BEAUTIFUL!
As an RVer, this is one place you should travel to to see the sights.
BTW: We are at the beginning of Gasparilla! You may ask yourself this like I did as we drove into town today…but here's the History about the event!
It's supposed to be the Pirate Mardi Gras equivalent!!!! So drink up and come join the fun with the Pirate…ARRRRRRR!
Tampa RV SuperShow
We are SOOOOOO excited to be going to the Tampa RV SuperShow this weekend. In fact, we have made the trip over to spend the weekend with my brother and his wife in Tampa so that we can take in the whole experience from sun up to sundown!
Tomorrow morning, we'll be getting up early to head over to the Tampa Fairgrounds and begin looking around at all of the new fangle items for RV living and to look at the new RVs. Maybe I can find one to "move up to"! LOL
This will be our 1st RV Super Show so we are really, I mean really, excited to check it out!
Hopefully, we'll have a run down of the event after tomorrow's exhibition day!
Check out the layout of the RV Super Show Map.
Tomorrow morning, we'll be getting up early to head over to the Tampa Fairgrounds and begin looking around at all of the new fangle items for RV living and to look at the new RVs. Maybe I can find one to "move up to"! LOL
This will be our 1st RV Super Show so we are really, I mean really, excited to check it out!
Hopefully, we'll have a run down of the event after tomorrow's exhibition day!
Check out the layout of the RV Super Show Map.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Salt Spray is harsh on the RV
I lived in Florida for
almost two years and never realized how the salt spray really takes
it's toll on metals left outside.
So little to my surprise after a few months “wintering” in Florida, I find myself looking at an RV in which the salt spray is impacting the appearance! In fact, I have noticed a few places where I'm beginning to get some “rust spots” that need to be addressed quickly or I'll find that I'll need to do more extensive work later on.
The first indication of the salt air was on grill of my RV. The grill is made of solid metal with a nice coat of white paint. Now, I did notice that the grill was having a little “surface rust” over the summer and I then made some minor “preventive maintenance” at that time to ensure it would not continue. To my dismay, I find myself redoing some work on the grill.
I have done a little research on the topic and one of the best solutions is to paint the metal with PR15. This paint is made to cover rust and if you have heavy rust...then it needs to be brushed to get rid of any of the loose metal/rust before applying. However, this solution is a little costly AND it requires you to brush on the paint...not what I wanted to do. I would like to find a good solution using some spray paints that I can get directly off the shelf at one of the big box stores.
After a little research, I found a few options, but I'm sure they are not a full proof as the Por15 (Paint over Rust) solution. HOWEVER, I have decided to give them a go...
So this week, I once again pulled off the RV grill and sanded it down where the surface rust was showing. However, this time (unlike last time), I chose to use a Rust Inhibitor Primer before I put on the Rustoleme Paint! With the primer on and one coat of paint, I think I need to add another coat of paint (just to be sure)! But then I think it will be done.
Please NOTE...IF this paint solution does not work, I'm looking
into replacing the grill with some type of aluminum strewn metal or
aluminum mesh! This will upgrade the look of the RV while reducing
the weight (since the grill weighs about 30+lbs.
Wish me luck...since I don't like redoing work!
BTW: I also cleaned up my chrome wheel covers and put a little car wax on them as well!
So little to my surprise after a few months “wintering” in Florida, I find myself looking at an RV in which the salt spray is impacting the appearance! In fact, I have noticed a few places where I'm beginning to get some “rust spots” that need to be addressed quickly or I'll find that I'll need to do more extensive work later on.
The first indication of the salt air was on grill of my RV. The grill is made of solid metal with a nice coat of white paint. Now, I did notice that the grill was having a little “surface rust” over the summer and I then made some minor “preventive maintenance” at that time to ensure it would not continue. To my dismay, I find myself redoing some work on the grill.
I have done a little research on the topic and one of the best solutions is to paint the metal with PR15. This paint is made to cover rust and if you have heavy rust...then it needs to be brushed to get rid of any of the loose metal/rust before applying. However, this solution is a little costly AND it requires you to brush on the paint...not what I wanted to do. I would like to find a good solution using some spray paints that I can get directly off the shelf at one of the big box stores.
After a little research, I found a few options, but I'm sure they are not a full proof as the Por15 (Paint over Rust) solution. HOWEVER, I have decided to give them a go...
So this week, I once again pulled off the RV grill and sanded it down where the surface rust was showing. However, this time (unlike last time), I chose to use a Rust Inhibitor Primer before I put on the Rustoleme Paint! With the primer on and one coat of paint, I think I need to add another coat of paint (just to be sure)! But then I think it will be done.
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Yes…that is me painting this in my flip flops!!! |
Wish me luck...since I don't like redoing work!
BTW: I also cleaned up my chrome wheel covers and put a little car wax on them as well!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Tuesday's Travel Take
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” St. Augustine
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Every day I'm shuffling (FamCamp RV Moving Day)
Today was the RV Move Shuffle Day! You may ask "what the heck is this"! Well, let me explain…
You see, the Patrick AFB FamCamp is a "VERY POORLY" managed RV park when compared to the other parks we have stayed in. It seems they can't figure out how to manage the 120 sites, which is utterly amazing since it doesn't take a rocket scientist to manage the parking for the small number of RVs.
This FamCamp has "chosen" to NOT take reservations…NONE AT ALL, so you when you check in here, you are given what's available. The sites range from a Full Hookup (30amp), Full Hookup (50amp), Partial Hookup (50amp and water), and OverFlow (electric only). During the off season time (May to November), the park is relatively empty (or at least they seem to have open slots). At this time, you "get what you get so don't throw a fit!" If a full hookup is open, you get it for the duration of your visit.
However, during High Season (read this a SnowBird time) which is from Late November to Early Spring (say…around late March to early April), the park is FULL! During this time, the FamCamp has chosen to implement a rotation policy making sure everyone gets an opportunity to get some time in a Partial or Full Hookup slot. So…after you have been in your Partial or Full slot for 30 days, you have to move into "low rent district" for a period of time. At this point, you make a decision to go on a waiting list for EITHER Partial or Full hookups. Depending on the list, you may find yourself spending up to a few weeks in the the OverFlow area until you get to move.
While we were just in a FULL hookup slot, we have decided to put our name on the Partial waiting list (since there are only a few people on this list) and therefore will only have to spend a few days vs weeks in OverFlow!
So…we had to pickup ourcrap camp and move not more than 100 yards to our OverFlow slot. However, we are not "unpacking" since I only plan to be here about 3 days.
You see, the Patrick AFB FamCamp is a "VERY POORLY" managed RV park when compared to the other parks we have stayed in. It seems they can't figure out how to manage the 120 sites, which is utterly amazing since it doesn't take a rocket scientist to manage the parking for the small number of RVs.
This FamCamp has "chosen" to NOT take reservations…NONE AT ALL, so you when you check in here, you are given what's available. The sites range from a Full Hookup (30amp), Full Hookup (50amp), Partial Hookup (50amp and water), and OverFlow (electric only). During the off season time (May to November), the park is relatively empty (or at least they seem to have open slots). At this time, you "get what you get so don't throw a fit!" If a full hookup is open, you get it for the duration of your visit.
However, during High Season (read this a SnowBird time) which is from Late November to Early Spring (say…around late March to early April), the park is FULL! During this time, the FamCamp has chosen to implement a rotation policy making sure everyone gets an opportunity to get some time in a Partial or Full Hookup slot. So…after you have been in your Partial or Full slot for 30 days, you have to move into "low rent district" for a period of time. At this point, you make a decision to go on a waiting list for EITHER Partial or Full hookups. Depending on the list, you may find yourself spending up to a few weeks in the the OverFlow area until you get to move.
While we were just in a FULL hookup slot, we have decided to put our name on the Partial waiting list (since there are only a few people on this list) and therefore will only have to spend a few days vs weeks in OverFlow!
So…we had to pickup our
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Getting HOSED…putting away the H2O hoses before the Shuffle Move |
Friday, January 10, 2014
Fabulous Friday Foto - To Infinity and Beyond (Rocket Launches)
As a young child, I never really had the fascination of rockets nor being an astronaut! I'm not sure if that makes me normal or abnormal? But I never really thought about SPACE! I'm neither a Star Wars, Star Trek nor any other space show fan!!! Not that I didn't like the idea of space, but I wasn't someone who ever looked to the stars!
So, it amazes me that today I find myself enthralled with the launching of ROCKETS into space. In fact, I find it utterly amazing that we can launch a rocket and within 30 minutes have it in orbit around planet Earth! But the process for launching rockets takes much longer than the 30 minutes of glory when it's launched. In fact, some missions can take over 5 years to come to fruition.
For those of you traveling along the Space Coast, you should try to plan your trip to coincide with a rocket launch. Now, that is easier said than done, but if you get the chance to see a rocket lifting off the pad, you won't be disappointed (especially if you get to see a night launch...because it turns night into day)! You can follow the upcoming launch schedule on SpaceFlightNow. However, since every launch is a string of 1,000,000,000 miracles in consecutive order to be successful...sometimes the launches are delayed to ensure “Success”! So be patient...and plan for a few delays.
This week we had the opportunity to watch the SpaceX Thaicom6 launch from SLC-40 (Space Launch Complex 40). It was a concerted effort of Thaicom (the customer), Orbital Sciences (builder of the satellite) and SpaceX (rocket to take the payload to space). This mission launched the Thaicom 6 commercial telecommunications satellite, and Orbital Sciences GEOStar-2 spacecraft which provided a communications satellite to Southeast Asia and Africa.
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Launch for Thaicom6 on 6 January 2014 |
BTW: If you can't make it to the Space Coast to see a launch in person, you can follow launches on the SpaceFlightNow website through Twitter and/or watching live video feeds.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Tuesday's Travel Take
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow mindedness.” Mark Twain
Open your mind and TRAVEL.
Monday, January 6, 2014
WiFi -- Why NOT!
As I sit here once again in a Starbucks...far far away from the
RV, I can't help but think about WHY I can't have WiFi as I sit in
the comfort of my HOME!
We are currently “camping” at the Patrick AFB FamCamp (that's a military campground for those unfamiliar with the term). We made the trip to this location for various reasons, but one of them was the understanding that they HAD WiFi in the campground (CG). So much to our amazement, when we arrived, we were unpleasantly :( informed that the WiFi was “down” and there are NO PLANS to get it operational in the near future.
The “options” the CG provided was:
As you know, we are in the 21st Century and WiFi, the Internet and staying connected via email are a MUST! However, I'm finding it hard to understand WHY For the Love of God, can't RV parks figure out this WiFi dilemma.
Full Timers (as well as casual weekenders) have a need to stay connected via the Internet, but campgrounds continually find ways of NOT providing this service. You'd think that MOST of the RV parks would include WiFi for FREE! If Starbucks, McDonalds and a myriad of other businesses have “figured it out” that WiFi generates business. We need Internet access to: stay connected, pay our bills, keep us busy, and most of all – it's a normal thing we EXPECT (just like water, electricity and sewer). You'd think campground owners would read Woodall's Campground Management to get a clue. Check out the follow article:
Wi-FiService Has Become A Park’s Critical Amenity
While I do have some background in Information Technology, I'm not up to speed on WiFi and the implementation of this across a large open area. HOWEVER...I am quickly becoming an “expert” (I'll use that term lightly) on how WiFi can easily be implemented in MOST RV Campgrounds for very little cost. After just a little research, I have found campground wifi solutions that anyone (even the dumbest of park owners) could add to their parks.
I'll have future posts on the solutions for RV Parks as well as ideas on how the RCer can improve your WiFi signal into your home.
We are currently “camping” at the Patrick AFB FamCamp (that's a military campground for those unfamiliar with the term). We made the trip to this location for various reasons, but one of them was the understanding that they HAD WiFi in the campground (CG). So much to our amazement, when we arrived, we were unpleasantly :( informed that the WiFi was “down” and there are NO PLANS to get it operational in the near future.
The “options” the CG provided was:
- Go to the local library
- Rent from the CG a Verizon MiFi at $50/month
- Do without
As you know, we are in the 21st Century and WiFi, the Internet and staying connected via email are a MUST! However, I'm finding it hard to understand WHY For the Love of God, can't RV parks figure out this WiFi dilemma.
Full Timers (as well as casual weekenders) have a need to stay connected via the Internet, but campgrounds continually find ways of NOT providing this service. You'd think that MOST of the RV parks would include WiFi for FREE! If Starbucks, McDonalds and a myriad of other businesses have “figured it out” that WiFi generates business. We need Internet access to: stay connected, pay our bills, keep us busy, and most of all – it's a normal thing we EXPECT (just like water, electricity and sewer). You'd think campground owners would read Woodall's Campground Management to get a clue. Check out the follow article:
Wi-FiService Has Become A Park’s Critical Amenity
While I do have some background in Information Technology, I'm not up to speed on WiFi and the implementation of this across a large open area. HOWEVER...I am quickly becoming an “expert” (I'll use that term lightly) on how WiFi can easily be implemented in MOST RV Campgrounds for very little cost. After just a little research, I have found campground wifi solutions that anyone (even the dumbest of park owners) could add to their parks.
I'll have future posts on the solutions for RV Parks as well as ideas on how the RCer can improve your WiFi signal into your home.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Fabulous Friday Foto - Cape Canaveral Lighthouse
Today's Fabulous Friday Foto is of….
The Cape Canaveral Light House.
The Cape Canaveral Light House.
Checkout more info about this lighthouse at the Cape Canaveral Lighthouse Foundation. Or better yet, become a member by making a donation or becoming a member.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Thursday's Town - Cocoa Beach Florida
Have you ever wondered about the place you live?
Over the years, we have lived in many places and enjoyed a lot of the local events and sights…but normally we would travel some place else. So as an RVer, I have "traveled" to my current location and this weekly blog will provide some specifics about the location we are located.
This week (and for the next few months), we find ourselves in Cocoa Beach Florida (home of the largest Surf Shop -- Ron Jon's Surf Shop). It is open 24 hours a day…and it's not closed very often (I think we saw it closed on Christmas Day). It's always a MUST STOP for the traveler. You have to check out the unlimited display of surfboards and tourist souvenirs. If you are looking for a Cocoa Beach T-shirt, this is your place.
Cocoa Beach Florida is located along the East Coast of Central Florida in Brevard County. One of the highlights of this area is the Cocoa Beach Pier…where most of the action takes place along the ocean and beach. It is a favorite spot for fishing (since it is a fishing pier), but also a great place for surfing (since it breaks up the beach break and adds/controls the swell).
During the summer, spring break and winter holidays, Cocoa Beach has many tourists who come to spend some time in the water. So visit in the off seasons to enjoy the beach with less crowds. Keep in mind that this year the water temperature is still almost 70 degree F in December -- so you will enjoy the water even during the cold months up north.
While there are several famous people from Cocoa Beach, one of the local favorites is Kelly Slater, 11 time world surfing champion. He even has a statue of him at along the A1A Highway where Atlantic and Orlando break into two one way roads along the coast on the north end. It's a great tribute to someone who has made it big from the area.
The town is a nice place with many places to eat. If you like seafood, I would recommend Florida's Seafood Bar which is located on Hwy520 (CocoaBeach Causeway). We had the Rock Shrimp…delicious, yumyum. Also, try the Georgia Sweet Shrimp (when it's available). You'll really like it.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
MiRV stands for “Man in RV”
You may be asking yourself why I would have a nickname like MiRV
(which is pronounced as Merv)? Well, nicknames for myself and other
people we know has been a long, very long tradition.
The “tradition” started many years ago while was serving in the US Armed Forces. See...you run into many people with “odd” or sometimes “peculiar” attributes about them. It could be something about the way they look, they way the act, their job or where they live. It's not meant as a demeaning “label” but as a way for us (those who know the nickname) to use in reference without everyone knowing what we are talking about.
The use of these nicknames is very similar to the use of “call signs” by Air Force aviators.
However, I regress....and need to get back on topic – the MiRV Blog!
We are a recently retired, young (late 40s) couple who has chosen to start our NextLife on the road. See after 27 years of serving the great United States of America as a military service member, we have to change careers late in life...which means we can't serve beyond a certain number of years (maximum is 30 years if you achieve the highest rank possible). So for the next few years, we have decided to enjoy our time a little more than we have in the past. See...as a member of the military, you spend A LOT of time away from the family. Some spend more and some less, but usually the time apart is spent in some dangerous locations around the world. While I spent over 5 years of the 27 AWAY from my family, I have no regrets. I enjoyed “serving”...many should do it! I understand what I (and my family) have paid for the freedoms of the many. It is the few, the veterans of this great country, who carry the burden of freedom on our shoulders.
However, NOW we find our selves – unemployed (I stopped looking after 12 months), homeless (living in our RV) and HAPPY! Yes, we are VERY HAPPY.
Even though we have chosen to live in “240 square feet of bliss”, many couples could not or would not do well in this lifestyle. If you like your space, this is NOT for you. However, I married my high school sweetheart, 27 years ago and I am still IN LOVE with her as much today as I was back then. We ENJOY spending time together...I mean ALL OF OUR TIME together. We still hold hands, go for long walks (together), eat almost every meal together and just enjoy hanging out together.
We started this RVLife 12 months ago when we bought our first (yes this is our 1st) RV, a gently used 2002 Itasca Sunova 30B (we can her Sunny). When I say lightly use, I mean it had only 11500 miles on the odometer and only 120 hours on the generator. So the pervious owners had used Sunny very lightly over the past 10 years...and we took possession to begin our RVLife.
Now, after one year of traveling the Midwest and Southeast US, we are currently “snowbirds” in Central Florida where we are planning our next year of traveling the East Coast, Great Lakes and back to see family in the Midwest.
Hopefully, you will find something of use out of this blog...I look forward to sharing a few things about our life on the road OR as we like to call it – “Living the Dream – Life on the Road”.
BTW: Check out my other blog Surfing Safari
The “tradition” started many years ago while was serving in the US Armed Forces. See...you run into many people with “odd” or sometimes “peculiar” attributes about them. It could be something about the way they look, they way the act, their job or where they live. It's not meant as a demeaning “label” but as a way for us (those who know the nickname) to use in reference without everyone knowing what we are talking about.
The use of these nicknames is very similar to the use of “call signs” by Air Force aviators.
However, I regress....and need to get back on topic – the MiRV Blog!
We are a recently retired, young (late 40s) couple who has chosen to start our NextLife on the road. See after 27 years of serving the great United States of America as a military service member, we have to change careers late in life...which means we can't serve beyond a certain number of years (maximum is 30 years if you achieve the highest rank possible). So for the next few years, we have decided to enjoy our time a little more than we have in the past. See...as a member of the military, you spend A LOT of time away from the family. Some spend more and some less, but usually the time apart is spent in some dangerous locations around the world. While I spent over 5 years of the 27 AWAY from my family, I have no regrets. I enjoyed “serving”...many should do it! I understand what I (and my family) have paid for the freedoms of the many. It is the few, the veterans of this great country, who carry the burden of freedom on our shoulders.
However, NOW we find our selves – unemployed (I stopped looking after 12 months), homeless (living in our RV) and HAPPY! Yes, we are VERY HAPPY.
Even though we have chosen to live in “240 square feet of bliss”, many couples could not or would not do well in this lifestyle. If you like your space, this is NOT for you. However, I married my high school sweetheart, 27 years ago and I am still IN LOVE with her as much today as I was back then. We ENJOY spending time together...I mean ALL OF OUR TIME together. We still hold hands, go for long walks (together), eat almost every meal together and just enjoy hanging out together.
We started this RVLife 12 months ago when we bought our first (yes this is our 1st) RV, a gently used 2002 Itasca Sunova 30B (we can her Sunny). When I say lightly use, I mean it had only 11500 miles on the odometer and only 120 hours on the generator. So the pervious owners had used Sunny very lightly over the past 10 years...and we took possession to begin our RVLife.
Now, after one year of traveling the Midwest and Southeast US, we are currently “snowbirds” in Central Florida where we are planning our next year of traveling the East Coast, Great Lakes and back to see family in the Midwest.
Hopefully, you will find something of use out of this blog...I look forward to sharing a few things about our life on the road OR as we like to call it – “Living the Dream – Life on the Road”.
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"Sunny" with TOAD in tow including surfboards and bikes |
BTW: Check out my other blog Surfing Safari
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